Tax-Sensitive ETF Portfolios
New Frontier’s Tax-Sensitive ETF Portfolios are globally well-diversified and designed for long term after-tax return.
Taxes are considered at every step of our portfolio construction process. Michaud optimization includes tax implications as it creates the portfolios. The portfolios use ETFs, which provide more tax efficiency than mutual funds. We make every effort to structure our trade and rebalancing decisions to minimize tax effects of all kinds. Going from broad to specific, this includes avoiding trading without benefit, minimizing turnover, offsetting positive with negative capital gains, favoring small capital losses to capital gains, and favoring long term capital gains to short term.
The portfolios have a track record of fifteen years. They are available at six risk levels so that you can select the portfolios most suitable to your risk tolerance. Each portfolio consists of fifteen to thirty ETFs.
View performance and portfolio construction data on our GSAA Tax-Sensitive portfolios here.
The New Frontier ETF Global Income Tax-Sensitive Portfolio is a risk-targeted core investment, consisting of ETF funds optimized relative to a 20/80 stock/bond ratio. This portfolio is designed for investors seeking current income in a taxable account in a global asset allocation strategy. The strategy invests in fifteen to thirty exchange traded funds.
The New Frontier ETF Global Balanced Income Tax-Sensitive Portfolio is a risk-targeted core investment, consisting of ETF funds optimized relative to a 40/60 stock/bond ratio. This portfolio is designed for investors seeking current income with the potential for long term capital growth in a taxable account in a global asset allocation strategy. The strategy invests in fifteen to thirty exchange traded funds.
The New Frontier ETF Global Balanced Tax-Sensitive Portfolio is a risk-targeted core investment, consisting of ETF funds optimized relative to a 60/40 stock/bond ratio. This portfolio is designed for investors who desire current income and long term capital growth in a taxable account in a global asset allocation strategy. The strategy invests in fifteen to thirty exchange traded funds.
The New Frontier ETF Global Balanced Growth Tax-Sensitive Portfolio is a risk-targeted core investment, consisting of ETF funds optimized relative to a 75/25 stock/bond ratio. This portfolio is designed for investors who desire capital growth relative to current income in a taxable account in a global asset allocation strategy. The strategy invests in fifteen to thirty exchange traded funds.
The New Frontier ETF Global Growth Tax-Sensitive Portfolio is a risk-targeted core investment, consisting of ETF funds optimized relative to a 90/10 stock/bond ratio. This portfolio is designed for investors who desire capital growth in a taxable account in a global asset allocation strategy. The strategy invests in fifteen to thirty exchange traded funds.
The New Frontier ETF Global Equity Portfolio is a risk-targeted core investment, consisting of ETF funds optimized relative to a 100/0 stock/bond ratio. The all equity portfolio is designed for investors who desire growth of equity markets in a taxable account in a global asset allocation strategy. The strategy invests in ten to thirty exchange traded funds.